Friday, October 10, 2008

Statues are Bored

I noticed something today as I walked around Paris. Statues are, for the most part, bored. Not boring, as their beauty and the skill needed to create them is clearly evident, rather, if you look at their faces you see that they are exquisitely bored.

Their eyes are almost always dull and flat, and sit in a face that is the picture of bland ennui. It makes sense really because what has a statue to do to keep it entertained? After the first several thousand people walk by and point a camera at it, or the millionth gallon of water cascades off of it there just isn’t that much to do.

You sit or stand in some odd pose and then you…um, sit and stand in some odd pose some more. Even Rodin’s Lovers must really be getting tired of kissing each other. I can imagine them thinking, “Boy, it sure would be nice to put on some cloths and go get a ham and cheese sandwich”.

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