Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blessed Silence at the DNC

I've been watching the DNC for the past several nights on C-span, and I noticed something...the silence. 

Not from the endless parade of speechmakers, nor from the house band cranking through every 70's and 80's Wedding Reception uplifting dance song they have in their book.. 

No, the silence came from my television itself, because C-Span does not fill every empty moment with some yammerhead "analyst" reinterpreting what was just said as they are addicted to doing on every other network. I don't need Chris Matthews or Tom Brokaw or all the othertalking head "experts" telling me what to think about the speech I just heard, I don't need to be subjected to the innane rambling of some political correspondent's reminiscences of his time on the campaign bus when Hillary spilled grape juice on her pant suit. 

Hey, I have a brain, I have ears and I can make up my own mind on what has just been said. Too often these days, we allow ourselves to be subjected to this analysis for analysis sake, while nothing of any real significance is being said, only dead air being filled with dead words. 

I can hardly wait to watch the RNC next week on C-Span.

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