Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is Existentialism Catching?

I just spent some time sitting and sipping café in a little café around the corner from our hotel. K**** is really not feeling well and needed to sleep, so I figured that I would just go and give her some peace. Besides our room is much too small to simply hang out in.

As I sipped the café and was bathed in the Gauloise smoke and deep musings of the old Frenchmen sitting at the table next to me, I started to scribble thoughts in my journal. I was pensive and probably a bit disappointed that our health and various other things have limited our stay here in Paris. We will still do as many of the things that we had intended, but not nearly what we had hoped.

So sitting there, letting the busy street and café wash through me, my thoughts wove through a random stream of personal insights and reflections. I ignored the cliché that this presented, of the solitary American, trying to scribble deep thoughts in a Paris café…and instead just let the thoughts flow as they should.

I will not share (or bore you with) these reflections, aside to say that there is real truth to the cliché. Sitting in a little Paris café sipping espresso,  one can easily slip into a pensive mood, especially when surrounded by the leisurely French.

But as for the deep thoughts, well, they come in their own way I suppose.

So excuse me, I think that I need to go buy a beret now.

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