Sunday, October 12, 2008

Long Island to the Rue de Rivoli

The Rue de Rivoli is the street that borders the north side of the Tuileries and the Louvre. It is lined with a long series of arches that open to a sidewalk that fronts many souvenir shops, café’s and, of course, Angelina, the restaurant famous for it’s hot chocolate.

We had gone there specifically to visit Angelina’s and bring K****’s sister a bag of the precious hot chocolate mix. We had had our lunch and purchased the mix and were just strolling along looking for postcards when we were treated to that most American of American sounds, the classic Long Island Honk of a woman calling out to her husband, “Michael…They’re Jewish in here!”
She wasn’t content with just that, as she insisted on loudly repeating her call several more times, letting all of the tourists walking the street know that the proprietors of that specific shop were in fact Jewish.

I actually suspect that Michael has long since become deaf to that particular Long Island honk tonal range, or at least he wishes that it were so.

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